Exact GPS coordinates: (42.904483, 12.438207 or 42°54′16.1”N 12°26′17.6”E )

In case of emergency (fire, personal injury/illness, burglary, theft, etc.) please report immediately to Emergency Services by dialing the European Emergency Code: 112From any mobile phone (no area code is required). Just dial 112 and press send.

Always provide Emergency Services with the directions to the property if needed sharing your position on google maps. Here are a list of emergency numbers. Please only use emergency when absolutely necessary and urgent.


The long numbers listed are for less urgent numbers: 

POLICE: CarabinieriCOLLAZZONE +39 075 870 1112  (+/- 1 mile, 900 meters) 

TODI+39 0758959900-

112 – Emergency only

FIRE: 115 – Emergency only 

AMBULANCE: Pantalla, Hospital (Ospedale)+390758880611 (+/- 4.5 miles, 7km)   118 – Emergency only

ONE CALL DOCTOR: ( Medico di Guardia ) +390758742972 This is a medical service for non-urgent matters.

DENTIST: (Dentista) Dottor Enrico Cappelletti–+39 075 8701244  Via Tiberina 84, Ponterio, Todi (20 miles away- )

PHARMACY: (Farmacia Bensi) – (3.5 miles, 5km) +390758788015 Stada St.Tiberina 162, Collepepe. If closed, please check on google the “Farmacia di Turno” – Or if you are in front of the pharmacy there must be a list of the closest open pharmacy displayed on the door.

VETERINARY CLINIC: Dottoressa Silvia Perugini –+39 075 888454-  262 Vocabolo Sant’Antonio- Pantalla